Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy

Education, school quality top concerns for parents: poll

A new poll of Tennessee parents from the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy has found that education and school quality top the list of parental concerns in the state.

Opioid use disorder treatment access increases in areas with large Medicaid population

HCV infection among pregnant women increasing

Study shows link between neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and foster care entry

Vanderbilt research has revealed the close relationship between neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and the number of infants entering foster care.

Preterm births in Tennessee decreased during pandemic

Statewide stay-at-home orders put in place as Tennessee fought to control the spread of coronavirus last March were associated with a 14% lower rate of preterm birth, according to a research letter published today in JAMA Pediatrics.

Poll finds Tennessee parents concerned about education, children’s mental health as COVID-19 presses on

The latest Vanderbilt Child Health Poll release found that many Tennessee parents are worried about the mental health of their children during the COVID-19 pandemic, and over 80% of parents had concerns about their children attending school remotely. The Poll also revealed that schooling practices and mental health concerns have varied widely among Tennessee families of different racial and economic groups.

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