Department of Pediatrics

Improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance is crucial

The Vanderbilt Antimicrobial Stewardship Program provides oversight of antimicrobial therapies for both inpatient and outpatient populations.

Several from VUMC among most highly cited researchers

Nine current faculty members of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine have made this year’s list of scientists whose papers have been cited most frequently by other researchers.

After two surgeries to remove tumors from her spine, patient Reagan Brown can walk freely again and has no limitations.

Spinal surgeries help restore young patient’s mobility

Study defines role of steroids in congenital heart disease surgery

Steroids are commonly given to infants during open-heart surgery to reduce inflammation, but whether the drugs significantly improve patient outcomes has not been settled — until now.

Study to explore nasal bacteria of children born by C-section

Vanderbilt is recruiting pregnant women scheduled to undergo a repeat cesarean section at VUMC for a study of potential interventions to change the bacteria living in the nose of children born by C-section.

Study finds Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine safe and effective for young children

A Vanderbilt study finds that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in children 6 months to 5 years of age.

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