Leigh MacMillan

Inherited lung disease no worse in offspring

An inherited lung disease does not appear to have earlier onset and increased severity – a phenomenon called genetic anticipation – in successive generations.

Nobel laureate Sharp to speak at VUMC

Nobel laureate Phillip Sharp, Ph.D., will deliver the next Flexner Discovery Lecture on Thursday, Nov. 15.

Symposium to explore diabetes research at VU

“Diabetes at Vanderbilt: From Molecules to People,” a scientific symposium to highlight diabetes research at Vanderbilt, will take place Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Vanderbilt Student Life Center.

Kidney woes during heart failure

Levels of the protein NGAL may be a good predictor of worsening kidney function in patients with acute heart failure.

Protein’s length, flexibility key to infection

The structural architecture of the reovirus attachment protein is required for efficient reovirus infection of host cells.

Stomach bug alters tumor suppressor

The stomach bug Helicobacter pylori increases forms of a protein that promote tumor development, perhaps explaining how it elevates risk for gastric cancer.

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