Leigh MacMillan

Obesity turns “good” cholesterol bad

Studies offer new insights into how obesity impairs the function of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

iPOND method goes fishing for proteins

A new tool will allow researchers to identify proteins involved in DNA replication and damage repair, processes that go awry in cancer.

Reversing lipid woes in cystic fibrosis

Abnormal levels of fatty acids in the blood and tissues of patients with cystic fibrosis may be reversed by supplementation with the fatty acids DHA and EPA.

‘Detangler’ binds, bends and cuts DNA

New details on the DNA-cutting activity of topoisomerase II, a target of anti-cancer drugs, could lead to better chemotherapeutic agents.

Stem cells take heart

Signaling pathway discoveries suggest ways to induce stem cells to become cardiac muscle cells, which could be useful for regenerating damaged heart muscle.

Brain image

Memory intact in early psychosis

Brain deficits are not present in the early stages of schizophrenia, suggesting it may be possible to delay or prevent the development of brain abnormalities.

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