MyVUMC is Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s twice-weekly newsletter for all employees. Each issue has links to news, features and information to connect and empower employees.

How to submit a Pegasus ticket in 10 seconds or less

Radiology images to now be visible to patients in My Health at Vanderbilt

Two eStar changes: Mobile Heartbeat update and OPA Feedback entry changes (formerly known as BPAs)

STAR Clinical Research Network quarterly update to be Jan. 23

New terminology guide explains VUMC facility names and acronyms

By chance, have you ever traveled from OHO, stopping off at VUH for a meeting before breaking for lunch at the TVC Cafeteria?

MyHealth Bundles program expands to VTHH, VBCH

VUMC health plan members can now access the MyMaternity Health and MyOrthoHealth bundles at Vanderbilt Tullahoma-Harton Hospital in Tullahoma and the MyWeightLoss-Surgical Weight Loss Bundle at Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital in Shelbyville.

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