cancer biology

Tools for exploring ‘omics’ data

The NetGestalt computing portal integrates vast amounts of data to aid users in finding biologically and clinically relevant information.

Neurofibromin fine-tunes bone growth

The protein neurofibromin acts as a brake in a signaling pathway that is important in bone development, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

New player in neuronal communication

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a novel mechanism for the development of dendritic spines – sites of nerve cell communication.

‘Stretched’ cells promote cancer

Mechanical stress appears to be a critical factor in activating normal tissue-associated fibroblasts to generate cancer-associated fibroblasts.

Gene profile predicts metastasis

A specific gene expression profile represents a novel, biologically relevant “signature” for identifying colon cancers with high risk of metastatic recurrence, Vanderbilt researchers have found.

Enzyme affects tumor metastasis

A protein that degrades the “matrix” between cells participates in the development of lung metastases from primary breast cancer in mouse models and may be a good target for breast cancer treatment.

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