Breast cancer-killing RIG

A compound that activates a virus-sensing receptor has potent therapeutic effects in a mouse model of breast cancer.

Analyzing single-cell landscapes

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a new tool for quantifying data from single-cell studies.

Immunotherapies linked to specific heart complications

In the first large-scale analysis of cardiovascular complications linked to immune checkpoint inhibitors, Vanderbilt researchers have shown that heart and vessel complications include myocarditis, pericarditis, vasculitis and arrhythmias, and that they occur early in the course of treatment.

Lymphocytes attacking cancer cell

Evading cell death

Stress granules that form in response to cellular stress help cancer cells survive and develop resistance to treatment.

Every child who finishes chemo gets a rousing serenade. The woman behind Children’s Hospital’s “Last Chemo” song.

Warning: you will be humming “The Macarena” for the rest of the day.

Medically underserved women in the Southeast rarely receive BRCA tests

Medically underserved women in the Southeast diagnosed with breast cancer or ovarian cancer missed out on genetic testing that could have helped them and their relatives make important decisions about their health, according to new research from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.

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