featured research

Richard Caprioli and mass spectrometer

Vanderbilt awarded $16.5 million agreement to determine how toxic agents affect human cells

Vanderbilt University has been awarded a Cooperative Agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Army Research Office that is worth up to $16.5 million over five years.

Vanderbilt study shows mother’s voice improves hospitalization and feeding in preemies

Study tracks pet therapy’s impact on young patients

A Vanderbilt study is investigating whether therapy dogs can have a positive effect on children undergoing chemotherapy.

Is healthy obesity possible?

It might be possible to generate a “metabolically healthy” state of obesity by targeting signaling pathways that improve insulin sensitivity.

anatomy lab

VUSM moves into top 10 in NIH funding

According to annual figures available through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) is now ranked ninth in the nation among U.S. medical schools in total grant support provided through the nation’s medical research agency.

brain illustration

New approach may halt glioblastoma’s ability to grow

Vanderbilt University researchers have discovered a “backdoor” approach to blocking an enzyme that fuels the growth of glioblastoma, the most common and most fatal form of brain cancer.

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