Nicholas Zeppos

Chancellor invites campus community to series of January events promoting mental health and well-being

Vanderbilt faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a series of January events designed to further conversations around healthy help-seeking behavior and creating a culture in which the stigma of seeking support can be eradicated.

Celebration honors nine endowed chair recipients

Nine faculty members who hold endowed chairs were honored and donors were thanked during a festive celebration Sept. 26 at the Student Life Center.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center independent entity effective April 30

Effective April 30, Vanderbilt University Medical Center will be a fully independent, nonprofit entity following the completion of the transaction that separated it legally and financially from Vanderbilt University. The transition positions VUMC for future growth and investment, while preserving its tightly woven connections to the university in research and teaching.

Edward G. Nelson, business leader and philanthropist, dies

Edward G. Nelson, a prominent banker, civic leader and longtime member of the Vanderbilt University Board of Trust, has died at the age of 84.

Churchwell to discuss ‘Creativity and Applied Physics’ April 11

Dr. André Churchwell, senior associate dean for diversity affairs at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, will share his personal insights on the role of art in all of its creative forms and its relationship to applied physics in the solution of humankind’s medical woes when he delivers the next installment of the Chancellor’s Lecture Series April 11.

Thirteen honored at endowed chair holder celebration

Thirteen Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored for their academic achievements during a celebration Feb. 18 at the Student Life Center.

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