Cell skeleton and the brush border

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a role for microtubules — part of the cellular “skeleton” — in organizing the unique sidedness of the epithelial cells that line organs like the intestines.

Imaging features predict tumor grade

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered imaging features associated with increased risk for aggressive meningiomas (tumors of the brain membranes) that could help guide surgical planning and patient counseling.

Number of minority trainees on rise, but not minority faculty

Vanderbilt investigators examined the entire training pathway of potential biomedical research faculty and found two key points of loss: during undergraduate education and in transition from postdoctoral fellowship to tenure-track faculty.

HDL and kidney injury after surgery

Higher concentrations of high-density lipoproteins — HDL, the “good” cholesterol — may be protective against acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

conceptual - glowing cell

Lighting up iron levels

A new probe enables iron imaging in living animals, providing a unique tool for studying iron’s contributions to health and disease.

little girl using inhaler

Asthma study may point to potential new therapeutic approach

New findings from Vanderbilt suggest that blocking the migration of cells involved in asthma may represent a new approach for treating the respiratory condition.

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