Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences


Grant spurs research into trauma-induced vision loss

Tonia Rex, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Vanderbilt Eye Institute are working to uncover how best to treat ocular trauma, the fourth leading cause of blindness worldwide.

New targets for diabetic retinopathy

Certain protein factors have been identified as attractive targets for treating diabetic retinopathy, a major cause of blindness in adults.

VUMC’s Morrison named president of American Orthoptic Council

David Morrison, M.D., associate professor of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics at Vanderbilt, is the new president of the American Orthoptic Council (AOC). He will serve a two-year term.

Daniels receives research grant from Knights Templar Eye Foundation to study retinoblastoma treatment

Vanderbilt investigator Anthony Daniels has received a grant from the Knights Templar Eye Foundation to develop new, safe and effective treatments for retinoblastoma, the most common ocular cancer in children.

VEI receives grant from Research to Prevent Blindness for research and education

The Vanderbilt Eye Institute recently received a grant for $115,000 from Research to Prevent Blindness, placing the total award amount for unrestricted grants from the organization at $860,000.

VU mourns loss of noted ophthalmologist Elliott

A Celebration of Life service for James Howard Elliott, M.D., will be held Sunday, May 17, at noon at Benton Chapel.

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