
VUMC research cores speed pace of discovery

Progress against America’s most intractable health challenges, among them heart disease, cancer and diabetes, requires the best minds, the latest tools and the easy collaboration demanded by 21st century science.

reading instruction

‘White matter’ behaves differently in children with dyslexia

Trans-institutional neuroimaging research at Vanderbilt finds that the brain may be structured differently in children with dyslexia.

red laser beam

Optical imaging in drug therapy screens

A non-invasive imaging tool could test potential cancer therapies quickly to personalize therapy for patients.


Study finds accuracy of lung cancer imaging varies by region

A new analysis of published studies found that FDG-PET technology is less accurate in diagnosing lung cancer versus benign disease in regions where infections like histoplasmosis or tuberculosis are common.

Technique brings spinal cord neural signaling into focus

Researchers in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science have achieved the first conclusive non-invasive measurement of neural signaling in the spinal cords of healthy human volunteers.

Powers helped launch ‘Nighthawk’ imaging service

Vanderbilt’s Thomas Powers, M.D., has learned to see exceptionally well in the dark.

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