New England Journal of Medicine

Multicenter study identifies method of preoxygenation that prevents hypoxemia and cardiac arrest during emergency tracheal intubation

Preoxygenation is the administration of supplemental oxygen prior to the start of a procedure to increase the content of oxygen in the lung and decrease the risk of hypoxemia

GRADE Study expands results of major NIH-sponsored comparative study of glucose lowering medications in Type 2 diabetes

The study, which included more than 5,000 volunteers with Type 2 diabetes from diverse racial and ethnic groups, compared the treatments insulin glargine, liraglutide, glimepiride and sitagliptin.

Study shows video laryngoscope increases successful intubation on first attempt

A Vanderbilt study study comparing the two types of laryngoscopes used in tracheal intubation of critically ill patients showed that the use of a video laryngoscope increased successful intubation on the first attempt, compared to the use of a direct laryngoscope, the standard approach for almost a century.

The system is designed to bypass blocked arteries in the leg and restore blood flow into the foot through the veins.

New procedure helps patients avoid leg amputation

More than 75% of patients facing amputation from the most severe form of peripheral artery disease were able to keep their limb after an innovative treatment as part of a multicenter study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

High-dose flu vaccine beneficial for pediatric stem cell transplant patients

Vanderbilt was the lead site for an influenza vaccine study in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients that may lead to a change in the current flu vaccine recommendations in this vulnerable population.

A study found that aspirin counteracts clotting as effectively as other treatments and is also cheaper.

Aspirin’s effectiveness at preventing blood clots studied

A Vanderbilt study found that aspirin is as effective as low molecular weight heparin at preventing hospital-acquired deep venous thromboembolism, or blood clots in the veins, for orthopaedic trauma patients.

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