Matt Batcheldor

Mother and daughter nurses work together in Labor and Delivery

Some people call Chelsea Foster, BSN, RN, and her mom Lisa Harris, RN, the Dream Team

Workplace violence policies apply to all employees, patients

As aggressive behavior toward health care providers is on the rise nationally, Vanderbilt’s Workplace Violence Prevention Committee has recently developed stronger policies to help protect employees.

“She is an amazing nurse, and I am so thankful for her calming presence,” and other DAISY Award-winning examples of extraordinary nurses

DAISY Awards are given to great nurses all over the United States and in many other countries. Here are VUMC’s latest winners.

Pam Helmlinger, with her husband, Kelly, and 4-year-old son, Ryland, who received part of Kyle Fisher’s liver, speaks at VUMC’s Donate Life Month Flag-Raising Ceremony.

Flag-raising event honors selflessness of organ donation

Organ donors and their families were saluted recently at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s annual Donate Life Flag-Raising Ceremony.

Process rehabilitates donor livers for transplantation

Vanderbilt research demonstrated that injured human donor livers declined for transplant can be recovered by cross-circulation between the human liver and a xenogeneic host, or animal platform.

A mysterious heart ailment almost killed Kevin Moore. It took a Vanderbilt team to pull him through.

“I think Kevin’s story really shows that if you can get people through that early sick period with the best management, the patient can do very well.”

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