Leigh MacMillan

Study lays groundwork for rational T cell vaccine design

Vanderbilt University investigators have developed a new strategy for identifying the “bits” of a pathogen that spark a protective immune response.

Promise of discovery drives Biomedical Sciences graduates

Vanderbilt awarded 66 Ph.D. degrees to an accomplished group of students in Medical Center-related departments and programs.

Inner ear’s role in bone remodeling

The inner ear system that senses gravity and movement plays a role in bone remodeling – a finding that has clinical implications for space travel and for patients with inner ear disorders.

Salt revs stomach bug’s cancer impact

A high-salt diet worsens the carcinogenic effects of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that colonizes the stomachs of half of the world’s population.

Profiling heart cells

A “profile” of the genes and regulatory networks that govern early heart valve development lay the groundwork for generating valves from a patient’s own cells.

Dual-action enzyme protects esophagus

An antioxidant enzyme also functions as a tumor suppressor to limit cancer development in the esophagus.

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