electronic medical record

New algorithms show promise for predicting bipolar disorder risk

In a new study across three major U.S. health care systems, researchers developed and tested algorithms to predict who will develop bipolar disorder.

Sara Horst, MD, MPH

Horst takes on new roles in advancing digital health

Sara Horst, MD, MPH, has been named associate vice chair for Digital Health Operations for Vanderbilt’s Department of Medicine and assistant chief for Clinical Informatics for the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

Ensuring the “best possible” medication history

About 80% of hospital admission electronic records were missing a drug prescribed to an older adult, Vanderbilt researchers found, highlighting the need for a multipronged approach to address medication discrepancies and support safe prescribing practices.

Policy on access to the electronic medical records of patients and employees updated

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has updated its policy on “Authorization to Access Medical Records of Self and Others.”


Study will delve into EHR for signs of suicidality

Retrieval of clearer, more complete information from the EHR could go a long way toward improving predictive models of who will next be at risk of suicide, thereby improving care for patients with suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

VUMC achieves EMRAM Stage 6 certification from HIMSS

VUMC has once again achieved Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) Stage 6 certification from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).

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