Virus-linked cancer gets help from host

Host cell protein may be a target for strategies to limit spread of virus-induced squamous cell cancers.


Lung nodule surgery not always “futile”

Even when lung operations for suspected cancer resection results in a benign diagnosis, there still may be significant benefits to the procedure, new research suggests.

Illustration of human intestinal tract

Pathway to colon cancer progression

Molecular players involved in colon cancer progression could provide new biomarkers to indicate invasiveness and prognosis.

Cancer researchers in lab

Protein family key to aging linked to suppressing tumors

The list of aging-associated proteins known to be involved in cancer is growing longer, according to research by investigators at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and the National Institutes of Health.

Growth factor boosts beta cells

A growth factor may help grow transplantation-quality pancreas cells for treating diabetes.


Diversity key in antibody repertoire

Antibodies to the 2009 H1N1 influenza strain reveal new insights into how antibody diversity forms and functions, with possible implications for designing flu vaccines.

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