pierre massion

Potential target for lung cancer therapy

The glutamine transporter protein appears to contribute to the survival of lung cancer cells, suggesting it may be a useful diagnostic biomarker and target for therapies.

Lung cancer foundation lauds Massion’s contributions

Pierre Massion, M.D., director of the Thoracic Program and an Ingram Professor of Cancer Research at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, has been recognized for his pioneering work in lung cancer by the LUNGevity Foundation.

Event celebrates new holders of endowed chairs at Vanderbilt

Seven faculty members of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine named to endowed chairs were honored for their academic achievements during a celebration on Wednesday at the Student Life Center.

Study explores driver behind lung cancer tumor progression

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center investigators have identified the mechanisms used by a gene and its binding protein to drive tumor growth in several forms of cancer, including non-small cell lung cancer.

aspirin pills

Low-dose aspirin’s protective effect in cancer explained

For years, scientists have known that regular aspirin use may reduce the risk of cancer.

National campaign urges smokers to talk with their health providers about kicking the habit

Barbara Forbes loves a quitter.

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