Reporter April 17 2020

Reducing stress in parents of children with autism

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders benefited from the addition of mindfulness-based stress reduction to parent-implemented behavioral interventions.

Damage, disruption, delirium

New findings suggest that treatments that decrease oxidative damage might help with postoperative delirium that occurs in up to 30% of cardiac surgery patients.

Cross-training of employees crucial to VUMC virus efforts

In late March, in preparation for a patient surge and employee absenteeism due to COVID-19, the emergency command center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center asked for a system-wide labor pool to be set up to allow quick and agile redeployment of people and expertise across the institution.

School of Medicine quickly designs new teaching strategies

COVID-19 — and the mandate for social distancing to curb its spread — has meant rethinking how nearly 400 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students will master the clinical and didactic skills they need to stay on course.

Dr. Jeff Balser on flattening the curve and remaining prepared

Let me start by expressing my gratitude for the way you have supported one another and have risen to the challenge posed by Covid-19. Your courage, flexibility and hard work are having a tremendous impact. 

‘Tuning’ cell shape for division

Dylan Burnette and colleagues have discovered that two forms of the molecular motor protein myosin have distinct roles in regulating cell shape during cell division.

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