Growth & Finance

Jennie Stuart Medical Center, Vanderbilt announce affiliation agreement

Leaders with Jennie Stuart Medical Center (JSMC) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) announce a strategic affiliation agreement that formalizes a collaborative relationship between the two institutions while JSMC is also joining the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center independent entity effective April 30

Effective April 30, Vanderbilt University Medical Center will be a fully independent, nonprofit entity following the completion of the transaction that separated it legally and financially from Vanderbilt University. The transition positions VUMC for future growth and investment, while preserving its tightly woven connections to the university in research and teaching.

Initiative seeks to encourage use of advance directives

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is encouraging faculty and staff to answer this question: If you became incapable of making health care decisions for yourself because of injury or illness, would your family or health care provider know your wishes for health care?

Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and Ryan Seacrest Foundation Open Seacrest Studios, a New Multimedia Broadcast Studio

2015: The Year in Review

From national championship battles to breakthroughs in research, key appointments to beautiful #vandygrams, goodbyes to #VU2015 and hellos to #VU2019, take a look back at the year that was.

Year in Review 2015: Medical Center recognized in multiple national rankings

During the past year, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) placed highly in several of the various rankings conducted by U.S. News and World Report.

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